Almathera Ten Pack 2: CDPD 1
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official documentation to the graphic tool
ImageEditor v2.4
This program is thought for programmers interested in computer graphics.
It allows you to design pictures which you can use in your own programs.
Just draw your picture, and when you are ready select the gadget disk
(or press the key d) and on the new window the gadget asm image (or the
key a) if you are programming in assembler or c image (or the key c) if
you favourite language is c and then type in your wished file name and
Return and your artwork will be saved as source code.
This is the philosophy of this program: simple usage with as certain as
possible function. Another principle by writing of this program was
small usage of memory.
To the usage: all functions can be activated by klicking on a gadget,
most of them also by a keystroke (exceptions: info-function, closing
of some windows); the key to activate a gadget is displayed on this
gadget; most functions open further windows, which can be closed by
typing 'q' (you can also leave the program by typing 'q' and then 'o').
To the function: I don't know any way to get a guru out of this program,
if any function can't get the memory it needs, you will see a alert
and can continue the program after clicking with the left mouse button,
the actual function will be aborted; another aspect is, that this pro-
gram doesn't use any illegal tricks (as direct access to the custom-
To the memory usage: the program uses about 132K of memory (76K chip)
as standard (when you started it), functions which need more memory
(e.g. iff loading) allocate it dynamically; you have a special option:
the program can be iconified, then you can work with other programs and
im24 uses only about 60K (6K chip) of memory. Just activate the iconi-
fied window and push the right mouse button to 'uniconify' it.
This program allows you to draw pictures up to 166*58 in hires-mode and
up to 83*58 in lores-mode. The difference between this two modes is, that
pixels in lores-(or normal-)mode are twice as width as in hires-mode.
The start-mode is hires. The mode and the picture width and height are
set in the pref(erence)s-part, the minimal width/height value is 1.
You draw always in the 16-color-mode, but the save- and load-functions
can also handle less than 16 colors (the number of colors is set in the
disk-part because it is only important for disk operations). If you know
an iff-file with the palette you want to use, you can also load only the
palette from this file, without changing your picture.
© 1990 by Robert Junghans
written with Aztec-C v3.6a
This program is shareware, so if you use it please send $5.00 to:
Robert Junghans, Agnes Straub Weg 10, 1000 Berlin 47, West Germany.
Improvement suggestions and any other form
of constructive criticism welcome.
This version consists of: the executable program im24, the source code
im24.c and the documentation file im24.doc. An example picture named
pic1.ilbm (width:128, height:58, depth:3) is also included.
The source code is about 80K (about 2700 lines, 43 functions), the exe-
cutable length is about 35K. Every function in im24.c is described
short. If you nevertheless will have questions, write me (address above).
When you want to compile this program, you should have a precompiled
file which contains all amiga-dos-includes (those files in directories,
not e.g. functions.h).
When you do not have such a file, make the following: write a file which
only contains #include-instructions and make sure to include all files
in the directories in your include-directory (example line: #include
<intuition/intuitionbase.h> (Return)). Then compile this file by typing
the following instructions in your cli:
cc all.c -a +hall.pre
delete all.asm
Now you will have this precompiled file named all.pre which our next
step will require. To compile the program, type this commands:
cc im24 -e360 +iall.pre
ln im24 -lc
delete im24.o
.. and if your computer will not response with 'error: too many gotos in
program', you should have the executable in your actual directory.
When you give this program away, please be sure to give all original
files away and not only some parts of this package.
To start the program, type im24 and Return in an Cli-window. To quit it,
type 'q' or click on the close-gadget of the draw-window, then a re-
quester will apear and ask you if you are sure to quit the program. Then
click on the o.k.-gadget or type 'o' to quit or click on the cancel-
gadget to continue (typing of a letter different from 'o' will also
cause a 'cancel').
In the draw-window you will see the bordered draw-area on the left side,
the color-gadgets right and the function-gadgets on the very right side.
The two actual colors (for the left and the right mouse button) are
marked with two arrows left and right the color-gadgets. To change any
color, just click on the (bordered) color-gadget with the wished mouse
button (the according arrow will move to 'your' color).
Now I come to the description of the 8 function-gadgets right: the first
4 gadgets are executed immediately, the last 4 are opening windows with
further gadgets. Here the first 4 gadgets and their meaning:
keystroke/name description
-------------- -----------
i / icon If you don't want to use ImageEditor now but you will
start programs requiring memory you must not quit
ImageEditor. Just click on that gadget and the screen
will be closed and ImageEditor will open a window on the
Workbench screen. This window has a close-gadget, the
depth gadgets and a drag bar. You can quit the program
now on the same way as from the draw-window, furthermore
you can get back the full ImageEditor-screen with your
old picture by clicking with the right (menu-) mouse
button (be sure that the window is active).
Remark: you will lose the undo-picture.
/ info A info-window with some informations to the program will
be opened. To leave this window push the o.k.-gadget.
f / flood After activating of this gadget it will be inverted to
show you that this function is active. To disactivate it
press the key 'f' or the flood-gadget once again.
To flood a cohering area click over this area with the
wished mouse button (to select a color to fill).
u / undo When you click on this gadget your last function will be
'taken back'. Examples for functions: drawing, flooding,
clearing of the whole area. If you changed the size of
your picture (in pref(erence)s) and lost so your picture,
you have to set up your old picture size and then activa-
te the undo-function and you will get your old picture
The next gadget is the disk-gadget (keystroke: 'd'). Here the functions:
keystroke/name description
-------------- -----------
1 / plane (see below)
2 / planes (see below)
3 / planes (see below)
4 / planes By clicking on these gadgets you choose the number of
bitmaps to be loaded and saved by disk operations.
p / ilbm pal If you know an iff-(ilbm-)file with the palette you want
to use, you can load only the palette from this file
without changing your picture (except of the colors).
After activating this gadget another window will be
opened and ask you for a file name (the extension '.ilbm'
will be added). Type in your wished filename and hit
Return or the o.k.-gadget to load the palette or cancel
to abort the function (this is one of the windows you
can't decide to cancel with only a keystroke, because the
string-gadget is activated when the window is opened).
l / ilbm Loading of an ilbm-file. You will see the same name-gad-
get as in 'ilbm pal' and have the same ways to load or
abort. You can load only files which have the same size
and depth as actually set; if you should forget it, the
program will remember you of this fact (it's surely not
the best way (e.g. when you want to transform pictures),
write me if you want to have this load/save-functions
extended). Extension '.ilbm' will be added.
s / ilbm First of all the same file-name-window. Same extension
('.ilbm') will be added. This function will save your
actual picture to the file you wish.
a / image asm You will be asked for the name of the source file. The
extension '.asm' will be added. This function will save
the computed words as simple dc.w(s) and an Image-struc-
ture additional to the word-field. The computing and
saving routines could be surely made faster what I plan
for the next update (the same to the save-c-routines).
c / image c This function is like the 'image asm'-function with the
only difference that c-source-code is generated. The
datas are seved as USHORTs with an Image-structure
following. The extension '.c' is added.
/ sprite asm This and the following gadget will only appear if your
width is 16 and your planes-value 2. This function will
ask you for a name (what else?) and then save the datas
in the sprite-format and a SimpleSprite-structure follo-
wing. Extension added: '.asm'.
/ sprite c Saving of a data-field (as UWORDs) and a (naturally
full initialized) SimpleSprite-structure in an file with
the wished name with the automatically added extension
To quit this or any other of the last-4-gadget-windows you can either
click on the close-gadget of the corresponding window or hit the key 'q'.
The next gadget is the colors-gadget (keystroke: 'c'). On the right side
you can see 3 proportional-gadgets which display the red, green and the
blue part of the current color. The current color is the 'left' color,
i.e. the color with the arrow left. Right from these proportional gadgets
are shown the values of the prop-gadget (hexadezimal: '0' to 'f').
With these 3 prop-gadgets you can change the actual color.
This function has also two special keystrokes: 'n' and 'b', what means
(n)ext and (b)ack. When you type one of these keys, the actual color will
increase or decrease by 1.
On the left side of the window you will find also these 3 gadgets:
keystroke/name description
-------------- -----------
/ o.k. Leaving of the colors-part with the colors you just set.
Use this gadget after designing a new color palette.
/ cancel Leaving the colors-part with the colors which were set
before you came to the colors-part (when you enter the
color-function, your actual palette is saved).
/ reset Leaving of this function with the same palette as if you
will just have started the program (the default palette).
When you click on the close-gadget of the colors-window or type 'q' this
will be the same as if you have leaved the colors-function with 'cancel'.
The gadget below the colors-gadget is named prefs and have the key 'p'.
In the now opened window you can see the actual mode (hires or normal),
picture width and picture height. While changing the mode you will see
that the picture width will also be changed.
When you click on the o.k.-gadget your old picture will be deleted (not
the undo-picture) and a new border around the draw-area will be drawed.
Clicking on the cancel-gadget or the close-gadget of the window or typing
'q' will close the pref(erence)s-window without changing anything.
The last gadget is named 'extras' and contains everything I couldn't put
in one of the other 3 window-functions. The keystroke is naturally 'e'.
Extras offers you the following functions:
keystroke/name description
-------------- -----------
s / show This function will open a small window with the picture
in the original size. You don't have to close this window
to continue, all functions will work also when this
function is 'active'.
When only the draw-window and the show-window are open
(and no of the 4-last-gadget-windows) and you type 'q',
then you won't get the request if you want to quit the
program, but this show-window will be closed (you can
close this window also by clicking on this close-gadget
(but not when another function (even extras) is active)).
c / clear This function will fill the whole draw-area with the
(left-)active color. When you clear by mistake, remember
the undo-function.
h / flip h When you activate this function your picture will be
flipped horizonthal (old left side is new right side).
v / flip v This function is very similar to 'flip h' with the
difference that it is flipping vertical (your picture
will be upside down after usage of this function).
u / up1 (see below)
/ up2 (see below)
/ up3 (see below)
d / down1 (see below)
/ down2 (see below)
/ down3 (see below)
r / right1 (see below)
/ right2 (see below)
/ right3 (see below)
l / left1 (see below)
/ left2 (see below)
/ left3 These functions will move your picture 1, 2 or 3 pixels
up, down, to the right or to the left.
End of the documentation.